Ocasio Cortez Unpopular

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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), the social media star and self-identified democratic socialist, is fairly unpopular around the country. A Quinnipiac poll released on Thursday morning found. She's a star on the national political stage, but Democratic New York Rep. Free slots 777 sizzling sevens. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is viewed skeptically back in her Queens and Bronx 14th Congressional District, according to a. Issues such as defunding the police, the green new deal, and riots which took place over the summer proved to be unpopular with the electorate and caused voters to shift their down-ballot votes to the GOP even as many voted President Trump out of office. Ocasio-Cortez, responding to such claims, said in a recent interview that the opposite was. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez had a world class tantrum after it was reported that her unpopularity rating has skyrocketed. 'If you want to know what subconscious bias looks like, it's a headline saying ‘AOC is underwater with every group EXCEPT women, nonwhites, and 18-34 year olds.'.

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Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-NY., is unpopular for one very simple reason: Most Americans don't like what she has to say.

It's not that complicated, unless you're Zack Beauchamp at Vox. Beauchamp says conservative media is to blame for Ocasio-Cortez's declining poll numbers. He draws a connection point between the heavy news coverage the freshman congresswoman has received and her declining poll ratings. And he implies that only biased coverage could drive Ocasio-Cortez into a position of disfavor.


But Beauchamp is wrong. For a start, the vast majority of Ocasio-Cortez-related coverage centers on what she has said and what her ideas might mean for the nation. Most politicians would love this chance to rise and fall on the merit of their ideas. Beauchamp and company simply can't acknowledge that her ideas lack merit. Ocasio-Cortez's supporters might believe her socialist ideas are intrinsically appealing, but the overwhelming majority of the nation does not. And that majority is right.

Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal was a recipe for national bankruptcy, empowerment of Vladimir Putin — who funds anti-fracking organizations outside Russia — and pernicious hikes in household energy bills. Her healthcare and tax plans would blow up the U.S. economy and replace it with a socialist command economy. And the congresswoman's knowledge of history is laughably deficient and often totally delusional. At the margin, Americans recognize this and don't like it. Most of them probably wonder why someone with such strange views and so lacking in skill to argue for them gets so much attention.

There's an irony in Beauchamp's lament. He concludes by quoting Ocasio-Cortez's statement that the media coverage she receives is defined by 'ravenous hysteria.' It's an interesting choice of words. I venture that many Americans would regard her apocalyptic 'socialism or death' rhetoric to be just the same: ravenous hysteria.

New poll shows progressive congresswoman's popularity is plummeting

on 15th March 2019 @ 8.00pm

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's popularity amongst Americans has taken a nosedive following the recent anti-Semitic row surrounding Rep. Ilhan Omar and more recently her attack on the 'thoughts and prayers,' words of sympathy for the victims of the Christ church shooting in New Zeland.

But as Americans become more acquainted with Ocasio-Cortez, they more they dislike her.

The progressive congresswoman is now as unpopular as Sen. Ted Cruz when he was leading the 2013 effort to defund Obamacare, which resulted in the government shutdown.

Ocasio Cortez Unpopular

According to a new Gallup poll, just 29 percent of Americans say they have never head of Ocasio-Cortez.

[RELATED] Ocasio-Cortez Tries to Grill Wells Fargo CEO - Gets Schooled

That number is unheard of for someone who only recently elected to the House.

But name recognition doesn't necessarily come with respect an admiration.

Ocasio cortez unpopular

Her notoriety has increased significantly since her upset victory in the primary last September.


But Beauchamp is wrong. For a start, the vast majority of Ocasio-Cortez-related coverage centers on what she has said and what her ideas might mean for the nation. Most politicians would love this chance to rise and fall on the merit of their ideas. Beauchamp and company simply can't acknowledge that her ideas lack merit. Ocasio-Cortez's supporters might believe her socialist ideas are intrinsically appealing, but the overwhelming majority of the nation does not. And that majority is right.

Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal was a recipe for national bankruptcy, empowerment of Vladimir Putin — who funds anti-fracking organizations outside Russia — and pernicious hikes in household energy bills. Her healthcare and tax plans would blow up the U.S. economy and replace it with a socialist command economy. And the congresswoman's knowledge of history is laughably deficient and often totally delusional. At the margin, Americans recognize this and don't like it. Most of them probably wonder why someone with such strange views and so lacking in skill to argue for them gets so much attention.

There's an irony in Beauchamp's lament. He concludes by quoting Ocasio-Cortez's statement that the media coverage she receives is defined by 'ravenous hysteria.' It's an interesting choice of words. I venture that many Americans would regard her apocalyptic 'socialism or death' rhetoric to be just the same: ravenous hysteria.

New poll shows progressive congresswoman's popularity is plummeting

on 15th March 2019 @ 8.00pm

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's popularity amongst Americans has taken a nosedive following the recent anti-Semitic row surrounding Rep. Ilhan Omar and more recently her attack on the 'thoughts and prayers,' words of sympathy for the victims of the Christ church shooting in New Zeland.

But as Americans become more acquainted with Ocasio-Cortez, they more they dislike her.

The progressive congresswoman is now as unpopular as Sen. Ted Cruz when he was leading the 2013 effort to defund Obamacare, which resulted in the government shutdown.

Ocasio Cortez Unpopular

According to a new Gallup poll, just 29 percent of Americans say they have never head of Ocasio-Cortez.

[RELATED] Ocasio-Cortez Tries to Grill Wells Fargo CEO - Gets Schooled

That number is unheard of for someone who only recently elected to the House.

But name recognition doesn't necessarily come with respect an admiration.

Her notoriety has increased significantly since her upset victory in the primary last September.

Back then her 24 percent of those polled favored her, compared to 26 percent who didn't.

But since then, her notoriety has grown as her unfavorable rating has shot up to 41 percent.

Pelosi Gives Up on Trump Impeachment, Ocasio-Cortez Takes Over | Neon Nettle https://t.co/P5gcuDwauf

— lisa andes (@la101and3) March 13, 2019

To put things in perspective, back in 2013, Cruz was arguably the most hated figures in American politics because of his campaign to defund Obamacare, which led to the government shutdown.

He then became a figure of hate from both the liberal media and conservatives.

According to the Gallup poll taken in October 2013, Cruz had a 26 percent favorable rating versus a 36 percent unfavorable rating.

This means Ocasio-Cortez has already beat him with 41 percent viewing her unfavorably.

But the congresswoman achieved this with stupid comments and hypocrisy.

Ocasio Cortez Popularity Poll

She arrived at this year's SXSW conference to deliver her views on climate change, her Green New Deal, as well insisting Americans should be 'excited' about losing their jobs to automation, in a gas-guzzling SUV.

But we live in a time were social media 'likes' and 'views' are interpreted as success, sometimes regardless of the content, which is what Ocasio-Cortez does best.

Alexandria Ocasio-cortez Husband

The Congresswoman recently advised her social media followers to reconsider having children, if her 'Green New Deal' doesn't pass, due to the impact Climate Change will have on them.

If that's not something to dislike, then we don't know what is.

[RELATED] Ocasio-Cortez Linked to 'Enemy to Democracy' Dark Money Group

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